

Nature Always Prevails.
What kind of relationship exist between she and I?
One minute we become so intimate and passionately in love.
Enjoying the haven of our company.
But the next minute we become so far apart.
I ask for her presence, she ignores me.
I seek for her in circles, spinning on my bed.
But, she is still no where to be found.
Only for her to show up later when I don't need her.
Then she seduces me with all kinds of fancy fantasy.
With her pretty eyes, she stares at me aloof.
All my struggles to overcome her charm proves abortive.
I guess I'm a slave to her love.
She is selfish and cares less about me.
She is only concerned with her satisfaction.
Nature made her stronger than I am.
I'm the feeble on this table.
The heart of a Man searching for sleep.