

My Words of Animosity
(TW://Self-loath and Swear)

"I'm forgetting everything" is what I say,
"I'm just telling you" is what they're saying.
I am left hurt by reminding uselessness
From the words that engraved me in hopelessness.
It fucking hurts to be told in unaffectionate tone,
To constantly race in my head with a headache,
Running around, losing my mind to work on it.
"We care for you" is the last thing I'll hear
From the placebo effect of sweetness.
It sounds so genuine and gentle,
It's made for you to forget that.
What went wrong with the love and affection,
From what I once called it "home"?
Where is it and why did you make me suffer?
Where the fuck is it?!
Why make me feel shit?!
If you care about me so much, why the compare?
If you care about me so much, why the damage?
If you care about me so much,
Why belittle me?

© Vyrene