

In between the Sea and Sky

The breath of life is like
the space between the sea and sky
Calm looks the sky in daylight
Serene sea hold chaotic energies.
When Waves and breeze interact
rhythmically life of the sea enhances.

Between the sunset and sunrise
is the pause of night, comes for
the breathe to get shallow in sleep.
In the stressful times during
busy hours, everybody forgets to breathe.
Now is the time to do "Deep Breathing"

Inhale and exhale deeply until the
heavy weight on head comes down.
allow the cool air filling up the lungs
while the diaphragm engages the ribcage
So many tissues and bones involved
to calm the nerves and renew the cells.

Breathing has become the exercise
because mind is busy in making money
and the heart is busy in pleasing others
ignoring the fact that the pulse rate and
respiratory rate were designed to work together for better support of life.