

Unanswered questions
Is it important to be calm and positive every time ??
Doing the same things every day...
Can't I live a day in my life with no worry or fear ??
Can't we live a life just the way we want to
Doing nothing, just being oneself ..
No stress of completing any assignments or notes ..
Or any household chores to be done
Or to fully stand on one's expectation..
Can't I be a person free from the pressure given by the society of being a responsible, active and mature person??
Can't I just enjoy the nature , and work on my inner self ..??

Is it a shame to leave your responsibility behind ??
Can't I be an irresponsible or a child for a while ??
Sometimes I just feel that i lost my self somewhere in search of being the responsible, matured person
Sometimes I feel the emptiness within myself ,
The peace , the satisfaction which my soul craves for ..
In this imperfectly perfect world
How much I struggle to fit in this world,
But the struggle of being the responsible, mature, positive person is way too hard
Why do I need to change myself just to fit in this world ??
Can't I be just like others ,least bothered about the things going around ..
Enjoying the world I dream to live...
Can't I be a person who doesn't need to think about others
Without feeling guilty of choosing myself before others..??
Sometimes I feel I am being selfish as I search for my happiness , my peace , my comfort zone ...
Sometimes I feel how weird I am of questioning myself so much??
Is this the same way everyone questions themselves ?
Can't I be what I want to be when I want to be ??
Do I need to plan and follow all my steps in life ?
Is planning and plotting so much important ??
Is this the way how everyone live their lives?
With all their plans and goals set beforehand ??
Do we need to do this just to be acceptable in society??
And if we need to do so then why should we do ??
Why can't everyone live their life just the way they want to
Without any expectation from others ..??

© Midnight Thoughts