

A solitary figure, lost in thought
Walking alone, with no one to be sought
No friends to share, no family to hold
A life of isolation, a heart that's grown cold
He wanders through streets, with no place to call
A stranger in crowds, with no one to enthrall
His footsteps echo, through empty halls
A life of solitude, with no one to stand tall
His eyes are cast down, his heart is astray
He's lost his way, in a world that's gone gray
He searches for connection, for someone to care
But finds only shadows, with no one to share
Yet still he walks on, through rain and through night
Hoping to find, a glimmer of light
A chance to break free, from his lonely plight
And find a sense of belonging, a sense of delight
But until that day, he'll walk alone
A lonely loner, with a heart of stone.

By Phrysylla ❣️❣️❣️
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