

Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared...
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids
Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,

Time has swept you from my tender hold,
Yet traces of our love, forever remain,
Whispered secrets carried in winds bold,
Age may have arrived, but we're reborn again.

A treasured journey etched within our souls,
Where memories blossom and hearts take flight,
Though separate roads we travel, each whole,
Let not our beginning drift out of sight.

In one another, we found solace true,
A companion through life's bitter strife,
As time moves on, may it not misconstrue,
Together we'll weave a tapestry of life.

And so, as time winds its eternal course,
May it reunite us, love's flame to endorse

© Tashy