

Life and death,
two different things entirely...
Life shows you the strongest part of you,
Death shows you the reality,
Death beats you in the heart and say to you,"You are no one"...
Life is a beautiful place filled with light and all source of happiness,
Death is a darkness that takes you away from you beauty,light and shows you the reality...
Life sometimes go unfair to others,
But the truth is,
A beautiful day will always be set for the Antelope and the lions...
When the jungle goes worse on Animals the step aside,
They all forgot Life in a jungle is a race where you dont stop even when you are tired,
You keep running,
You keep trying,
You keep facing dangers,
But never let the danger defeat you...
You are allowed to stop when you cross the finish line of tge jungle,
A line where all animals cry for nkt seeing you,
A line that show the beginning and the end of your life,
All animals in the jungle have to strive harder,
Because we all live in a world where the lions and wolves live for their own satisfaction,
When other animals try to get food,the get ambushed by the lions and hyenas,
They hurt other animals under them and never stop hurting them till they are satisfied....
No one is ready to save the jungle,
But death once came into their rescue,
Now when the lions try to oppress,
They are reminded of death,
And they adjust...
With the help of death now all animals were in a safe hands,
They enjoyed the jungle of been un-harmed,ut one day,
They could walk anywhere,
They could rise and speak up their minds...
Their families are safe,
Their property are left un harmed...
But one day,
The world and death became friends...
Death turned his back on all animals in the jungle,
They felt bad and unsafe,
They all begged for forgiveness,
But their love was so tight and could not be broken...
Now the jungle they all enjoyed has changed to a home that brings sadness to everyone,
The lions now kill the antelope,
Death watched and save more,
When life gets hungry and tired of the population he got,
Death kills and makes him relieved,
The oppressed and the oppressors are given death,
No one feels happy anymore,
They all strive hard,
They work hard for their unborn kids,
To put an end to suffering,
But the lions and wolves are always ready to ambush those who tries to get rid of poverty in his or her family...
They pull them apart,
Brings death to them,
Only the lions feed,
Other animals in the jungle die of no food,
They survive not,
Life has brought back the old ways we hated,
The old way we ignored,
All animals in the jungle now needs help,
But there is no one found,
They are all alone...