

Tales to Nature
Ever heard the rustling of leaves?
Feels like the chirping of birds
Just like that talking to trees,
Feels like talking to an old friend.
Admiring it from afar as an observer,
Fragile like glass,
no comparison of how strong it is,
The swaying of the winds,
the darkened clouds, just before the rain,
and the chirping of birds, flowers, leaves, and weeds that grows at side lanes of roads remind me that, this is what beauty looks like.
The words don't suffice to describe it,
the verses I incorporate will be forgotten, but not shall the nature.
The whisperings of the clouds, the rain, and the wind which passes through encourage me every day to live.
Talking to rain, the moon?
Every soul is a friend of them, nature,
Whispering their secrets, ranting out their feelings to nature,
Nature whispers back by the passing of wind, the moon, the clouds, the rustling of leaves, the flowers, and the waves of the ocean, that
" I am with you"
- Feel through words
© Feel_through_words