

a prayer to the universe
Above all power, above all tremblings, above the very breath of life. Give me wisdom.
Above all riches, before happiness, and beyond adventure, give me courage.
Let me be kind, let me have grace to love the unlovely and joy to bring light where there is only darkness.
For there is something gravely lacking. There's anger where there ought to be understanding. There's greed when there should be charity.
Hate is rising like a high tide and lies spread like the whispers of the wicked.
This love is poison when hearts harbor selfishness. Come back to me with pure intent and I'll welcome you with graciousness!
Let me be thankful for I am blessed. These trials, I count them all a joy for they teach me patience and perseverance.
I am rebuked, I am judged, I am struck down by the heartless- by the destroyers of faith. I turn away and wait for the next blow. I will not fight, I will not thrash. I delight in tribulation for it strengthens me.
Let me be bold, above all the giants who tear me down, let me be brave. Let me be fearless in the face of death for I would die in your name and consider it an honor.
Let me be charitable- to lose it all in the name of love, I'd consider myself rich.
Give me integrity, before pride and fame, give me integrity please. To be charismatic and honorable. I would find it a treasure.
For the best of times and for the worst of times give me faith beyond any measure. Faith to do and faith to believe the impossible.
Give me ears to hear, to listen, to understand. Let me believe the best before assuming the worst.
Wisdom comes with understanding, these give me eyes to observe. Eyes to see the good in those who can't see it themselves and eyes to intervene the evil doers.
This is my prayer, a prayer that I may be good. A prayer that I may be kind and full of courage with a light that illuminates grace.
My prayer is not to cheat death, not to be healthy, not to be happy for I am not promised a long or happy life. I only pray that while I'm here, I give and not take, I love and be loved, and give without restraint.
I care not for fame, that glory is only temporary. I hope only that I care for those who need caring and leave a legacy of love and abundance.
Please don't think me hasty, please don't think I'm puffed up with pride. Please remember me as someone who held your hand, supported you through weakness, and wore your heartaches as my own.
When I die, when I return to dust, remember me for love. Above all else, know that I cared. This poem is not one of dreams and memories or love or loss of. This poem speaks to the selfless, to those in need.
Believe in good things, expect to be blessed, see beneath the surface and look for light. Even in the darkest places, lights can ignite or lights can be found, but where there is light, darkness can never preside.
Hope for success in personal character- for riches only go so far and riches can wan. But wealth of good character can never dwindle, it can spread further than the east is from the west and it can bless thousands.
This is my prayer. What is yours?

author’s note- several years back, I participated in a “your legacy” writing competition in which this placed 2nd. when writing it, I realized that my fellow authors were focused heavily on the idea that to have a legacy you must do something worth remembering. I have always believed that in being a good person, you are laying the foundation of generational legacies which those around you can rest safely in.

© WanderlustFox