

We are living in a miracle of sin
We are living in a miracle of sin,
In a world where darkness and light begin,
Where virtue and vice constantly spin,
In this dance of joy and sorrow within.

We are surrounded by temptations so sweet,
Leading us down a path of deceit,
Where the boundaries of right and wrong meet,
And the consequences we must eventually meet.

But within this chaos, there is beauty to find,
In the smallest acts of love and kindness, so kind,
In the moments of grace that gently unwind,
A reminder that hope and redemption are intertwined.

So let us not be swallowed by the darkness that looms,
But hold onto the light that eternally blooms,
For in this world of sin and gloom,
We can still find miracles that will make our hearts zoom.

We are living in a miracle of sin,
But in the midst of it all, let us not give in,
For in the struggle and the strife we have been,
We can still find redemption and begin again.

© Jovan_love