

The night is gone
It was already pass 12 at midnight...
I was awake, looking for something I lost.

I couldn't find it
But I kept on searching
Not knowing the reason why...

I feel like I have to
I can't lose it
I just can't

The clock kept on going
Time passed by fast
But I was still in the same position
Looking for something...
That I lost

I didn't know what I was looking for
But I have to find it
I can't afford to lose it

Opening several doors
With a candle in hand, I searched
I didn't know what I was searching

The candle light finally die
The morning sun came out
Overwhelming the world with warmth

I still couldn't find it...
But I have to stop
I didn't need it anyway.


Words from author:

Sometimes, we look for things that we don't need. In the end, it was nothing but a waste of time.

This poem said that, the person was looking all night for something they didn't even know, without sleeping. But in the end, they found nothing. They realized that they were looking for something they didn't need so they stopped.

Don't chase around things, if they are meant for you, they will finally be in your hand.

Keep living a happy life!