

simple habits of the land
When the unrully crouds start up

Every house and every store is boarded up

The yards have been trampled on so much they are just dirt, no grass

There are cars pulled up on roads.

The backways on dirt travel faster.

Showers are scarse and people stay away or in a croud.

The sun rises and still sets

The moon comes out every night still and the wind houls in anger

Amid the eerrie silences and houls the animals fumble around, so do the sick and the young.

When the tornados hit then the hurricanes roared it put the country back into 3 Rd world days

If your in line and lucky enough that lines still exist then you'll receive a protein bar

Thats all they serve

The cities are washes up messes of debris and the roads cloged, hot, and seem to go no where

If you can get to a military town gate you'll be doing good after that

Me on the other hand I sit and enjoy a country in complete and utter failure and shambles.


I enjoy the dirt under my nails. Enjoy the roads being paused. Im able to sit back smell my 4 month old son clothes I have own, and I have worn.

Im soaking in the powder dirt trails. No dentists, doctors, or schools.

My understanding is that I only get one time to enjoy a country flipside and so uprooted and shattered. I got to appreciate it now.

Got to breath it all in and let it be the harsh reality it is.

But the land is much more peaceful when the society is uprooted and scattered.

The fly I heard landed on my red bandana.

I smiled, first fly I'd seen in weeks.

War could break out and loose soon, people could be casualties of war to be as well.

When the authority and people both denied justice.., there doors were scattered as desolate hunger and cold air soared.

Opened their lives to inhumane treatment of themselves and others that denied justice, agreed to make the gulity seem innocent, and made lies up that were accepted.

Because they were together in there dishonesty, and criminal acts of denial towards the victim.

They invited a shattered country to need to withstand a war.

Invited there own behavior into their lives, made it possible to commit morally wrong against them and be in the right

I soak up the separated silences, the clanging if metal, and boring days abcent of any civizilised structured life.

Soon to be unidentifiable by the screams and briars or war.