

The Forest's Call
Come, walk with me towards the woodland manifest abode,
And view the spellbinding Nature that earth has bestowed;
Releshing in the dreamlike grandeur that encloses us,
We eagerly are tuning to the Nature composing the forest's majestic opus,
The murmuring of the trees and rippling streams,
Start a journey in our mind where we wanders into a writer's lovely dreams.

When the sunbeam glisten the forest's leaves aglow;
We took a nap under the tress sitting below,
Where trees shade us from incessant heat and harsh rays,
Let's liberate our minds to view the Mother Nature's ways,
The pearly drops falling from heaven nurtures the life dwelling there,
And safeguard the tender offspring from hurdles too grim to bear.

Take a seat underneath the radiant flames of an autumnal tree,
Whose flamboyant hues creates an innate wonder many come to see,
The varicoloured leaves slide down leisurely inner rhythmic course,
Like the cinders losing heat from there flaming source,
Every leaf wretched for a moment as if, it was there endmost fate
But the Mother Nature nurtures the earth for renaissance of a new state.

With the advancing of winter, the forest befits as a secluded place.
Still, beside the frozen sky sunburst fall at the tree's base,
Promising the dawn of new life that calmly waits,
For spring's blossom and rain to unfold nature's gates,
Let us amble in the spring forest where we'll breathe in deep,
And promptly the bliss of Earth awakens its child from sleep.

Every now and then let's respond the
forest's call,
To behold the eternal beaty of life and the miracle of it all,
When you spend more time in Nature, walking among the trees
You may comprehend the message carried on a breeze.
As we blend the emotion with the forest's spirit at rebirth,
So we too procure a life within this Paradise of Earth.

© Parthiv Rhythm Das