

Title: "Eternal Overture: The Tale of Heartfelt Beginnings"
Written by: Abdo

In the realm of time, my heart discovered its pulse in you,
When the caravan of dreams graced your street so true.
When did our heart's tale commence its poetic flight?
Was it your graceful countenance or the moon's gentle light?

Did it start with the cascade of your silky, fragrant hair,
Or roses wearing your scent, a fragrance beyond compare?
Was it your dainty nose adorned with a ring so small,
Or twinkling clouds adorning the night's romantic sprawl?

Perhaps it began with the allure in your captivating eyes,
Or the rain that baptized my soul under midnight skies,
Oh, when did this love story, so profoundly felt,
Find its beginning, in the heart where it dwelt?

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