

Cold fire
Once had he told me,
if helping others would bring your soul liberation, then keep doing it like if you stop you'd cease to breathe,
I hearkened to the words of my flaws,
I let his claws sink deep in my heart,
my demons have been my best friends,
guiding me in paths that I thought not possible,
now I make decisions not of my own accord but of the scars that scream the memories of tears shed,
Often times have I hurt my self in the bid to find a balance between physical pain and emotional torture,
Very funny!!
Physical pain can be healed,
Emotional torture just like eternal damnation will stand at reoccurence,
they'll haunt you till you wish to take your own life and be parted from this world,
but then stands the damnation of your soul,
There's no peace without chaos,
so the war must go on,
the warriors must keep guard,
lest the enemies strike without warning,

The heart fighting for a just cause and a little peace,
has been corrupted by the tales of woe,
so what shall we do?
look upon the heavens and cry?
for how long?
yet to break word with friends is in tandem to hugging the devil,
telling him you'll sit at his side and do his bidding,
lord save my soul and my broken heart,
not to be mended by the decietful tongues of men,
who savor the satisfaction of gaining spread legs and warm embrace,
Alone we came,
Alone shall we return.
© Nehita baht