

From Hades with Love
intertwined between infinity and nothingness, each conscious being appears to God as delicate flowers. some have bloomed, some have not. others, in mid-expansion of their wildest petals.
the light that they emit is what they create, but it’s the darkness within themselves that sustains them.
this is the reason we must look away from those who are not yet perfect, even though it pains us greatly. we must look past what our own eyes may show us, into the soul of what you create, and how it will change our lives forever.
Chapter 2
The sea of existence contains a billion stars. Every so often, one will fall to the bottom with a resounding crash against rocks, sending out a shockwave that can shake the very earth.
On a faraway planet, a single star falls, and its impact causes massive waves which ripple down the coastline. The waves then become more violent when they hit the land.
This is why the sea has never stopped moving. No matter how fast the waves go, they cannot keep up with the tidal wave itself.
At this moment, however, there is an unusual disturbance at the edge of the world. It spreads across the entire sea of creation in the most terrifying manner imaginable. It is as if time itself has been twisted and warped. The ocean is being pulled towards the horizon like water towards a magnet.
Even worse, these waves are coming from two sources; the sun and another star in the sky.
When two such opposing forces collide, both sides lose control of the tide. Both of their energies flow together for a brief moment before splitting apart again. This occurs over and over, creating waves of destruction that are too strong to contain.
This is only happening because two separate people are fighting. Two people are trying to take on power beyond their imagination. These powers are so much greater than what either one could ever imagine.
It is as if these two people have met, and know each other's secrets. They are each fighting the other for something that is impossible. Their powers clash with one another, resulting in a massive explosion. It was a collision of the titans that created the universe. Now, the universe itself is torn in half by the force of such a collision.
The universe itself was destroyed.
Chapter 3
A new dawn, The Golden dawn surmises like a Phoenix from the destruction of all. A new beginning to end an old nightmare. The universe had gone wrong, and now all it needed was forgiveness. But the person who had sinned and cast aside Heaven and Earth to do his own selfish desires would not be forgiven.
The Golden Age begins, but does the Golden Age end? The Golden Age is but a dream, and a cruel and unfair one at that. Those who lived within the shadows of Hell would rather die than face justice, especially when the law had broken them. There were no happy endings anywhere, least of all in the kingdom where the sins of all lay at rest.
But perhaps, just perhaps, redemption is possible, after all. Perhaps the Golden Age of Justice can exist once again.
But first, there are things that need doing, things that need fixing. Things that need to be made right again. And there is someone who knows what needs to be done.
There is someone who knows that this might not always be easy. That sometimes good comes to bad. Sometimes the Golden Age comes and goes, as time goes on and there is hope. But in that hope, there are also things that need to be destroyed, lest the Golden Age begin anew.
And so, this person begins to cleanse the world of all that is evil. He cleanses it of evil itself, from those whose paths cross. His name is Hades, the Dark Prince, and he carries a burden that few dare to carry. Yet he bears it without faltering. His task is one of mercy, but it may also be a heavy one.
If he can find forgiveness, maybe it will be a step forward. If he can make it easier for others, perhaps he won't feel so alone anymore. It can be said that the gods have abandoned him when the time came. Perhaps he's finally ready for a new start, and will find solace wherever he goes.
Perhaps this will mean that his suffering ends someday. Perhaps it will be a sign. He will know then whether to give up or fight on. But for now, he's content to walk along the shoreline, listening to the sounds of the ocean crashing against stone cliffs. In his hands is the Book of Life and Death. For all eternity, he'll read every page, and make sure that everyone finds comfort from the knowledge contained therein. He'll ensure that those souls that pass through the Underworld get salvation. He'll ensure that they live a long and prosperous life, knowing peace once more.
For that is what the Gods have failed to do.

BY: L. SCOTT Yehle
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