

The Colors You Bring
This life was dull hues of black, grey, and white.
Lots of things that never quite felt right.
No drive.
Never quite alive.
And just when I was done and losing steam,
into my life your colors shone like a beam.
It started with the beautiful complex shades of your blue eye,
The warm earthy shades of your freckles,
The heat of your blush,
and the brightness of your smile.
For this vibrance you've brought me,
I'll go the extra mile.
You captured this heart and soul of mine.
With you, I wish to be for all time.
Sweet love sublime.
The Colors You bring,
oh so vivid and bright.
My dear love,
You bring so much color to my life.

© Plumm V Fleur

#WritcoPoemPrompt98 Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.
#poetry #color #love #Love&love