

Breathe of life once again

She rises from the ashes,
Donning infinite avatars,
Sending the vile searching for cover,
And begging for mercy for
I held the bouquet of an amorist.

An unexpected sin committed,
Yet still forgiven by life and light,
Oaths taken hasn't been broken ,
As heart felt a passion of formidable love .

Tears vested upon shows her repentance,
Restored the fragile dignity,
Blessed with pieces of fleeting serenity,
Intertwined in tapestry of enlightenment.

Unfurling the doors of reminiscence,
Endearing mortal essence,
Resplendent rays splendor the benevolent aura,
Catharsis of heart blurring scintillating hopes.

Fading dark pasts under the cosmic obsidian ,
Jotted down lines of gratitude.

Picture credit : Pinterest
© Architakumar96