

Delicate or Bold?
I smile often hiding my pain,
Is it my fault that I cry only in the rain?
I laugh harder even though I am hurt.
I think you were never left weeping in the dirt!
I open up with people selectively,
I move on when I am right, quite unapologetically.
I am the one who pampers others,
Don't be a delicate darling, said my mother
I wasn't taught to be spoon fed.
Chin up, head straight and earn your living, instead.
I was taught to make my own bed,
Don't hold on to people forcefully, it will tangle the thread!
Be so self-dependent that a man turns out to be an asset,
Become a woman, your man would have never met.
I don't fall for words but actions,
I know what I want irrespective of the distractions.
Expensive gifts and dates don't really excite me,
I need your support, no matter what the situation be!
A real woman would like to be spoiled by your love and care,
Talking about bills, oh! she can pay herself. I swear!
© Vinisha Dang