

At your lowest
I abandoned you at your lowest,
thats what you'd say, right?
but think, did I really?

I noticed something was up,
so I tried and tried to talk,
but I couldn't succeed to my luck,
you didn't budge

I kept trying and trying,
texting you each morning,
texting you each night,
hoping that it'll be the day you decide to reply

each morning,
I wished you luck with your projects,
I wished you hope that you were well,
and I told you I loved you so much aswell,

each night,
I wished that you had a nice productive day,
and that you're okay in everyway
I wished that you were to sleep well
I wished you goodnight and sweet dreams,
and I told you once again that I love you
I was there texting, hoping you still loved me too

I didn't abandon you willingly,
you forced me to
you cut me off
as if I wasn't your loving gf and I was some fake rip-off

you left me alone

in my panic attack,
you asked how I was, then you went and talked with others

in the midst of a bad relapse,
I couldn't talk to you,
cause I knew you wouldn't reply and I'd just be left to hang dry

in the middle of the night when I needed someone to confide in,
you weren't there,
you were off somewhere else

when I needed you, you were no where to be found
you could hear the sound of a pin drop in the empty room you left me in

I didn't want to leave you to struggle alone
but you didn't want me
so you just blew me off like I was some cheap fake colonge

I didn't want to leave,
but you made me

I didn't want you to leave,
but you left me alone.