

Here I stand, in a field, of wildflowers, as I, look up, to see, the stars, above me and whether, just a handful, of seemingly light years, far away, or thousands, they all shine, like sparking, universal diamonds, for everyone, being not, just for me, on this world, I call earth, but also, I feel, for all, the plants, in our solar system and all, the billions of, worlds undiscovered, in the cosmos, as their light, travels far across, our night skies, with starlight, gleaming bright, with such stark clarity, being the pinholes, that are eternal, being glittering, sparklers, of colors, in beauty, as I, make a wish, upon the one, I see, falling from the heavens.

So now, as I, close my eyes, I lift, off of the ground, feeling my body, ascend, to stride, among the stars, as an explore, as even a astronaut, who is blazing, my own trail, like a comet, across the skyways, of twinkling lights, exploring, the heavens, witnessing wonders, amazed by, the new worlds, that I see, trying to understand, the secrets, of the universe, marveling at, the light, of these blinking, universal diamonds.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs