

Talking Giraffes Invade Florida

We thought Toys R Us to be only a farce,
With a talking giraffe selling Power Wheels cars.
Yet, now that opinion has to be amended,
As giraffes, that can talk, in the south, have ascended.

No one is sure why they headed that way,
When at first the news broke, it was thought to be a jape.
How did this long neck-ed horses learn words?
Their voices were flutey, leaving people disturbed.

In some lands giraffe was a delicacy,
But it hits kind of different when they're screaming "Help me!".
So a wildlife preserve opened in Tallahassee.
A place they can chat, and roam around freely.

If you want conversation that goes nowhere fast,
Catch a ride down to Florida and talk to the giraffes.
They'll speak all their gibberish till you've no patience left,
But enjoy the oddity of the TGIF.

© The Moonlight Bard