

Be Human
You are a boss
you are a CEO
You are a Manager
You are the Chief

But remember one thing, you are first HUMAN before the titles.

Mr Boss, do not throw away the HUMAN in you for your position.

Do not let the seat of your career unsit the humanity in you.

Treat your subordinates with love and care and not as trash.

Do not forget they are people,humans

People make mistakes but it can be corrected.

Give them chance to learn and grow.

Do not talk down, look down or press down on people just because you are on top..

Remember you are HUMAN before the job, the promotions,the accolades,the fame,the wealth.

Life is not all about the fame,wealth and titles..

But about the people we have touched positively...

Be Human for once because tables do turn...

Fame and wealth may vanish but Humanity stays forever..

Be Human and treat people with respect and care...

Those you mistreat today, may tomorrow be the people you will need .

Be Human,don't be an animal..
Be kind and think twice before you treat others wrongly.

Be Human,and build people around you..
People need people to succeed..

Don't be a tyrant...
Don't be wicked..
Don't be too hard ..

Be good to people, kind and generous..