

The little one

Here I'm the little one
chosen by the divine power
blessings are always with me
Gratitude towards Enigmatic Universe

In the vast expanse of cosmic wonder
I stand as a mere speck of stardust
Yet in the eyes of the universe
I am chosen, I am loved

The threads of fate weave around me
Guiding me towards my destiny
A path laid out by unseen hands
Leading me towards the light

I am but a vessel of the divine
Filled with grace and purpose
My heart overflows with gratitude
For the blessings that surround me

In every moment, in every breath
I am held in the embrace of the universe
A symphony of stars and galaxies
Whispering their secrets in my ear

Here I stand, the little one
Chosen by the enigmatic universe
Forever grateful, forever blessed
In awe of the power that guides me.
© fiery_fairy