Looking for Purpose
things are coming to the surface
im finding my purpose
i can be quite atrocious
sometimes i really lose focus
im not into no hokus pokus
im fed up with all the hypocrisy
had my fill of democracy
tired of the aristocracy
thinking they can do whatever to me
they have ruined our damn country
got the people afraid
if you go against the system
youll be enslaved or put in a grave
they commit all types of atrocities
they hide behind the law
gain notority as thery fill their pockets with greed
trafficing children into slavery
im finding my purpose
i can be quite atrocious
sometimes i really lose focus
im not into no hokus pokus
im fed up with all the hypocrisy
had my fill of democracy
tired of the aristocracy
thinking they can do whatever to me
they have ruined our damn country
got the people afraid
if you go against the system
youll be enslaved or put in a grave
they commit all types of atrocities
they hide behind the law
gain notority as thery fill their pockets with greed
trafficing children into slavery