

A day of our freedom,
A day for a free soul,
A day to smile with our flag,
A day to dive into our past.

Past with the memories of knights,
Sacrificed for our freedom,
Knights and fighters.

Soldiers who surrendered,
Surrendered their mighty souls,
Souls who sacrificed.

A day to celebrate,
To celebrate freedom,
The freedom with garland of togetherness,
Togetherness with the colours,
Colours of peace and harmony.

On this day 63 years ago,
Our then leaders agreed they were ready to takeover,
The people were ready to carry the Motherland on their shoulders,
And march on, to the sky we say is the limit, as soldiers.

63 years now and we're still going,
And stronger we are growing,
The flag is flying high,
But yet to reach the sky.

So many things have gone wrong,
Yet the Motherland remains strong.
So many people have gone,
But everyday more are born.

And as life goes on,
The young will live on.
The Motherland is growing Older,
But are the youth ready to carry her on their shoulders?

Standing below the national flag
We promise to love our nation,
To work hard for its growth and fight till death for its protection.

Looking up at the sky,
We salute it with much pride and courage.
We love as it flows in the air and,
Remembered struggles of old days.

Sound of national anthem floats In the air,
Making it pure and divine,
Come what may our country will March ahead,
And always shine.

We love our motherland, our flag
We are born patriots of this land,
We work for peace and love,
We strive to make our country grand.
© VirtueladyAyinke