

allow me to explain
My help is damage, and i'll explain to you how so.

Now It's like trying to heal a cut with a shard of glass, I'm so broken I long for the unspoken and it's draining my all to not let anyone know that inside my mind I have no glow, I'm torn inside and hide it on the out, because no one understands why its hard to take their hand, why it hurts to allow someone else to help me stand because in my head I can be there for them but they can't be there for me or else I'll be seen as weak

I'll hold another outside the fire then refuse to be helped myself when the hand is offered simply because my mind won't let me it screams me a burden to others

I'm a bottle of serotonin with everyone's names on it but my own, how can I inject what I inject into others into myself if I can't even see the worth of my own?
© It's Odessa