

Real Love
You've entered my life in an inconvenient time
My sight was pleased and my smile was free
You stood there for me when you didn't know who am I
I was longing for you to come into my life

Forgive me for catching feelings so fast
My happiness has returned to me at last
With you my world is at its place
Real love I say exist everyday

Every heartache and pain I've went through,
Made the love I have stronger for you.
Why love was just past lives.
You have rekindled the love that I had lost in my heart
Real love I say exist everyday

Every night I've slept you appeared in my dreams.
My dreams are a fiction but it seems to be real
You treat me like a princess then you are my prince
You listened to my opinions, you valued my thoughts.

With Roses and chocolates appeared at my door with a note that makes me feel special.
Open doors for me like a gentlemen indeed
Each day went by my love grows like a vine But one thing I know it will never die
Real love I say exist everyday.
© #iamnickiii07