

Life's Mystery
In the quiet of the night, I ponder and sigh,
Why do we die? I ask, as the stars twinkle high.
The thought sends shivers, like winter's cold bite,
A fear of losing loved ones, a fear of the endless night.

Will I depart before my dreams take flight?
Or leave behind those I hold dear, out of sight?
These questions haunt me, with no clear reply,
For death is a mystery, a truth we can't deny.

Yet in its honesty, there's a strange kind of grace,
A reminder that life is fleeting, a fleeting embrace.
It whispers of moments, precious and dear,
And urges us to cherish, while we're still here.

So though the thought of death may bring us dread,
It teaches us to live, to love, and not to be misled.
For in its enigma, there's a wisdom to find,
Embracing life's journey, with heart, soul, and mind.

© MysticGarvicii