

I've never loved anyone the way that I love you..
Ask me have I ever been in Love,the answer is yes, but only once before you.
You may not believe in us but I do,and no matter the storm we shall overcome.
It's only a matter of time, even if this time is not it, I have faith that you will forever be mine.
I hate that everything seems to be so black and white.
I pray for your understanding and for everything to work out alright.
I just really wish I could tell you without sounding like the biggest fool.
God gave me this heart for a reason and I still haven't really figured out why.
But my entire life revolved around others, I hate tears but every night I cry...
I know that majority of my life is over, But for the remainder I would love to have your kind, gentle, loving heart, and shoulder.
When we first met I knew I wanted you and I said I was gonna have you... Now that time goes by I feel like I'm losing you even though you told me you wouldn't...I'm glad we never made it a promise, you know how I feel about those.
But I just want to say I'm in Love with you and it's been a while since Ive had these feelings so... Please Teach Me How Love Goes....