

Beautiful Cruel World
Somewhere, in a bed,
Lay a baby just welcomed
Clothe with blood and vernix,
Crying to let the world know of his arrival ,
Arrival into the beautiful cruel world.

Barely crawling, reaching for freedom;
Not of the breast where his attachment lies,
Happily guzzling, casting warmth on all around;
Such warmth so temporal,
As short as a glance

Short legs moving so fast,
Not so stable, but not unstable,
Gaining control one step at a time;
Beautifully recorded, 'my first baby steps'
The steps that would break or make him.

Happiness still lurking around,
Pain and heartbreak haven been found
In unanswered questions, divided attention.
Sick stomachs, feverish head,
Reality seeping in.

As old as can be,
To understand, to prioritize
To lay aside 'childish needs '
To pursue, to fight or be fought,
To lose even dear ones.

Life's purpose, he ponders upon
To give in or to give up.
Tireless pursuit, reward not gotten
Pillow drenched of tears and sweat.
Is it even worth it? questions abound.

In this beautiful cruel world
Where nothing is guaranteed,
While your birth may have brought joy,
Life is all about mixed feelings,
But the choice is yours alone to make and bear.