

There's a mother inside us all,
Though her voice is thin & small;
She's intelligent; one can say,
For you, a loving, caring well-wisher,
& in the dark a light ray.

Through our upbringing she's moulded-
& to all her voice is unfolded.
She's a storehouse of hope & confidence,
Very satisfied you'll be if you follow her guidance,
Yes my friends, it's our CONSCIENCE.

"Go for it!", You can do this"
"Don't do that", "You should not"
Her constant advices for you go on....
She knows what's best for you;
She stays with you through thick & thin,
& helps you in deciding the next right thing.

She shows you the mirror of reality,
Pretend & lie to her to the most of your ability;
If you ignore her, you'll only deceive yourself,
Causing a great turmoil within one's self.

Nothing is hidden from her,
Sometimes her bitter truths can pierce your attitude's thick fur;
But listening to her is accepting yourself,
You'll never regret any decision of this little elf;
Always to her you should nod,
She's a path for inner satisfaction, which is like a God!

Don't try to be who you are not,
Imitation is such a dirty plot!
You are unique & so is she,
Oh! Life can be so much happy & garnished with glee!

Follow her & be who you are....
Because SHE IS who YOU ARE! ❤️

- Kshitija Gaikwad 😊

© Kshitu2799