


If a dawn is what you wait for
There's a long dark night you go through.
A harsh winter you will suffer
If the spring is pleasant to you.

Ask not why the roads are tough,
Why me? Why my path is rough?
Think what story will you share
Of a smooth journey with no dare.

Have you seen a doctor treat
A person at his best health.
Without poverty does one
Realise the worth of wealth?

Can gods be glorified
If there were no devils?
Could valleys have existed
If there were no hills?

Take the hurdles as a chance to fight
To prove your potency and your might;
All that you need is a strong resolution
For there is no problem with no solution.

Even a pencil can not write
Well without sharpness.
The rocks erode only when
They lose their hardness.
And remember,
Stars cannot shine without darkness.
