

Too Soon
Leaped too soon, what was I thinking;
Too soon, to take a leap;
Expressed my history, to share with you;
Thus, to soon, to take that leap;
I think I'm being tested, Which is what I did;
What's done is done, Tho regret it now;
Time goes by, What have I done;
To think it was good, but too fast it was;
Been miserable all day, now can't sleep;
Want to take back, what was said;
Fell asleep, thought it was a dream;
To find out, it was not;
I am pure, Thus so are you;
Have a little faith, For it is now;
We both have a past, and both have fears;
I standby your decision, Hope to remain friends;
Too soon it was, What was said;
Thus, I'm here for you, As a friend;
I'm sorry, My friend, For it was too soon;
Thus, too soon it was, let's make amends.

© Inspiration & Motivation