

Tribute to Teachers
A teacher's heart beats with compassion true,
Empathy and kindness, shining through.
Patience and understanding, in every test,
A gentle guide, helping us find our best.

Integrity and honesty, in all they say,
A role model for us, every single day.
Passion for learning, a love so bright,
Inspiring minds, with pure delight.

Dedication and perseverance, in every stride,
Helping us grow, with a gentle pride.
Creativity and innovation, in every lesson plan,
Making learning fun, with a master's hand.

Respect and inclusivity, for all to see,
A safe and welcoming space, for you and me.
Selflessness and generosity, in every way,
A teacher's values, shining brighter each day.

So here's to our teachers, our nurturers true
A heartfelt thanks, for all they do
May their kindness and care, forever shine bright
A beacon of hope, in the dark of night.
© anaya raj singh