

Double standard love
Don't you hate a double standard love?
That kind of love where you have to do this and that but don't expect the same right back.
Pick up the phone when I call but when you call them all you get is what seems like an everlasting dial tone and then their voicemail right after sometimes not even a text back.
Yeah that's the double standard love I'm talking about.
That well if you don't like it your more than welcome to leave whenever you like love.
Don't disappear on me just like I won't disappear on you but most times you stay up almost all night until they get back home.
They have to know where you are? what you are doing? and who are you with? but when it comes down to them they don't really want to answer shit.
Yup that's it that's the double standard love I'm talking about.

© PoeticAngel