

Lifeless Lassie
You are not born to spread happiness here
You are born to live ur life
Why aren't you knowing your worth
Why you aren't living your life for u
You are sacrificing your life for a strangers smile
No one in this world is ready to
compromise with their benefits
Then why you are compromising with your dreams for others
Do u think you are not courageous to walk as a tiger
Do u think you can't roar as a lion
Do you think you can't run as a cheetah Or fly as an eagle
You can fly high above the sky
But stop compromising with your happiness
Stop living as a lifeless lessie
Stop bothering about others
Remember they don't even know what your heart says through your eyes
Why are u sacrificing your wishes and aims
Why are you plucking the flower of love from your heart for another
Why are you not knowing your worth and skills
Remember you are not here to please the world
You are here to live your life and spread peace
You are not here to be an angel in everyone's life
You are here to make your self an angel
Never sacrifice your happiness for someone's bliss
Stop living as a lifeless lassie
Let the world know your power not your weakness
Remember your beauty lies in your heart
Beauty can get spoiled within seconds but the love and care in ur heart won't ever get destroyed 💖
Your eyes talks for you in the way you looks at them... 👀
© Theertha