

Just The Two of Us
In shadows deep, my soul retreats,
A refuge from the world's deceits.
An eerie calm, a twisted bliss,

The darkness beckons with its kiss.

Within these walls of solitude,
I seek escape from life's crude crude.
Mistress of my own demise,

I shun the world with hollow cries.

Beneath a moon's enchanting glow,
I dance with demons, fears in tow.
Their icy breath upon my neck,

Whispers of solace, a wicked trek.

But as the night wears thin and frail,
Reality's grip begins to prevail.
The masquerade must come undone,

My battles fought, the vices won.

No more the slave to toxic charms,
No longer swayed by false alarms.
I rise above the depths of sin,

Embrace the light that lies within.

Through twisted whispers, dead and cold,
A tale of triumph is now told.
Though darkness lingers, always near,

I face my fears, my soul made clear.

With pen in hand, I now decree,
A poet's voice, unchained and free.
Through macabre tales and haunting verse,

I break the curse, my heart immersed.

In realms unknown, my words take flight,
A symphony of darkness, bold and bright.
In fluid lines, a harmony found,

Resisting solitude's sweet sound.

So let this rhyme, a haunting plea,
Inspire souls, to break free.
From vices cruel and addictions strong,

Embrace the self, for which we long.

For in the shadows, we will find,
A triumph over our own mind.
In solitude's embrace, we see,

We are enough, just you and me.
© NightSwimThePoet