

Pretty and her Child part 2

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Pretty and her Child

Pretty wept bitterly upon hearing the news of Daniel's traveling😭, Miracle consoled her throughout the school hour. Miracle is Pretty's best friend, more like a sister. She is a year older than Pretty, but in the same class as her. Pretty hid her condition from her mother because she didn't want to bring shame to her mother and her relatives that are looking up to her. One faithful morning, Pretty walk up to her mother.

"Good morning mommy. I trust you had a wonderful night rest," her mother smiled.
Looking at her, she said, "yes my princess. I hope your night was wonderful as well."

Pretty smiled and nodded. She sat beside her mother and she was looking straight into her mother eye. Then she said, "mother there's something I want to discuss with you."

Then her mother said, "go on my child I am listening."

Then she said, "please can you allow me to camp in my friend's house until I am done with my Exam. I want to team up with Miracle my friend so we can make presentable results.

Her mother, being an understanding mom, said to her "is that what you want?"

She nodded.
Her mother held her hand and said to her "you have my permission my dear, but you will promise to make our family proud."

She stood up, placed her hand on her chest, and said "I promise to make you and the entire family proud.

And they both hugged. The next day, she parked her bags and went to stay with Miracle, whom her parents lived with in a state called Cross River State. While Miracle, stays alone in a state called Rivers State

"Welcome to my house," says Miracle. They both hugged and sat on the bed.

Pretty said to Miracle "what will I do to this pregnancy?"

Miracle did not say a word. She was looking at he.

Pretty said "I think the best thing to do is to get rid of the pregnancy."

Miracle shouted "Pretty what is wrong with you? Abortion is not an option!"

Pretty started shedding tears. She stood up, stared at the wall paper, and said to her "I lied to my mother so as to be free to uproot this thing that is trying to destroy my future. So the only option left for me now, is to abort the child and move on.

Miracle said to her "No! My friend, I will never support you on this!"

Miracle held her hands and said to her "my friend, you will give birth to this child.
Angrily, she removed her hand from Miracle and said "first pregnancy last for nine months, and our Exams is just for a month. So what will I tell my mother for the remaining eight months?"

Part 3 coming soon 🌹