

Love Lost

My longing for a language no one understands led me to you
I braved each challenging code of life's tourney,
Just to get to you
I raised my flag in surrender to your perfect love
I opened up my heart because you promised to always be there for me
I learned to trust you
I learned to love you
I learned to open up to you
I believed and trusted when you said your love for me would never die
I took a chance for you,
Only for me to realize that...
That you're not the person I thought you were
You held me through every storm,
You wiped the tears after every fall
We've been together for so long
You've seen all the parts of me
You told me you wanted forever
You said you loved me
So how did it all change?
How did we get to this?
How can you sit there and tell me that it was just sex to you?
All of it...
I gave you a part of me
I... I guess I was just blinded by your lies
You never loved me,
You never even cared about me
Everyone told me that you were a liar and I didn't believe them
Now I see that they are right
I used to have nightmares about losing you,
Now I realize how stupid it was
Cause you were never even mine to begin with
Now you're never going to be,
And it's killing me inside,
It's killing me because I have to let go
Because this is it.
© Annabelle