

My soul awoke;
a sound of crying so joyous I could cry myself
The thought of opening my eyes
without the sound this little life I created would be just as scary as it was
when she had opened hers in the first
moments of life 
She lit up my night sky
She came to me with golden hair
The color people would dye to have
For her, I'd die a million times to have also
She's the silent type,  
only cries to let me know she's hungry
While I cry, because I fear I could not give her the world 
She is all I ever dreamt her to be,
health is perfect and all 10 toes and fingers, I see
She is so eager to see this unknown world
she does not sleep that long
And for me, Gazing upon the sight of her face made it just as hard to sleep at all
Her eyes are as blue as the deep blue sea
And I'm swimming in as deep as I can see,
Lost in the perfection of this little face in front of me
A face so cute I could hardly believe
Chubby cheeks, lips like me
Does she know that she has came from me? 
Can she sense the love I so love to thee?
She wakes when she's not skin to skin with me
I hope she knows that without her,
I wouldn't also be complete
She's the air I breathe,
the ground beneath my feet
She gives me purpose beyond belief
How could this tiny little miracle possess everything beautiful I could have ever seen
No longer searching aimlessly,
Confused on what I could have a purpose to be
Make me realize who me is meant to be

I am her mother, and shes my world to me.

#daughter #child #mother #iloveyou #birth #thedayshewasborn #motherhood #love #poem #writerscorner #lovepoems #Poetry