

Strokes Of Grey
With fervor known only
by the swollen skies of June;
with hope rivaled by only
the driest of roots,
desperate for the torrents of a monsoon;
I long for you.
Sounds fade,
colors blend as they bloom.
Only greys are found
where once such vibrance reigned.
You were my brightest of colors;
my most vivid of daydreams.
Blues shade the summer sky,
covered by the brush of an artist’s hand.
As bristles soaked in oils leave no hint of grey,
such were the visions of your face.
You painted my daydreams.
You colored my darkest of corners.
You fed life to what death waited so eagerly
to own.
You were all I yearned for.
You shall claim no rival
for the desire within me.
Whilst my love is forever one-sided,
I will thrive far beyond my mortal breaths;
Breaths forever coiled
within the whisper of your name.

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