

The Witch
At the darkest of nights, she comes as vague shadow
Adorned in white, she appears like a widow
Her hairs all falling on her face
Sets anyone into cold sweat
The rustling noise she makes when moving
The haunted air she spills for musing
In the ghastly voice she takes your name or mine
Will send chills all the way down the spine
She'll play and play and will keep on haunting
However much you pretend to be vaunting
She will make you stand grounded as a stone
The fearless boasting ones won't even feel a bone
She has her feet turned backwards you'll find
A moment she's in front of you and the next you'll feel she's whispering at your ear behind
She will rise in the air and jump from heights
She'll make such gestures which'll give you freight
Her dark eye balls and scratched face
Her ugly smile will stop your pace
So darling! If she's ever like this
Do believe! She is a witch
If you don't believe in ghosts and spirits
Encountering her will shiver your heart; yes!!! they do exist.
© soumi's_here