

I am from poem
I am from 

I am from the busy streets of downtown,
From long and fun trips to the mall,
A dad that can always make me laugh,

I am from a sister that is always there for you,
From the cozy, warm smell of home,
From a mom that loves you more than anything,

I am from the shooting of hoops,
From the satisfying sound of a goal, 
Love yourself, you are amazing

I am from hot chocolate on a winter day,
From the comforting sound of snowflakes, 

I am from laughing with friends,
From binge watching TV
From traveling and exploring new places

I am from cold, sweet sharbat and warm pasteries
From the comforting hug of my mom when I am sad

I am from dark blue glasses and wavy, unbrushed hair,
From skinny jeans and oversized sweatshirts,
Be unique,