

Innocent Bloom!
Nestled within the thicket green,
Unseen by the forest tureen,
Resting quietly on a shrub,
Seems to my eyes a little stub,

Eons are enough to roam the land,
She contains pits, mud and sand,
I adore the wide earthy mass,
Cool and soft feels the wet grass.

Fluttering their wings the birds tweet,
On thick branches the squirrels meet,
Untouched by the afternoon heat,
Fresh fruits are tasting sweet.

Aloof and happy is the lovely wood,
Over tears in towns the humans brood,
Heavy and bland feels the food,
Happiness too hides beneath a hood.

Glow of the lamp,
Footsteps of the tramp,
On a slate like a stamp,
Locks my heart with an iron clamp.

Tugging and pulling at the chain,
All my shouts are in vain,
No hands to soothe my pain,
My being drowns in a dark terrain.

© Tilott90