

The Unspoken Burden
In the shadowed depths, a man resides,
A portrait of strength, his heart he hides,
A tale of burdens tightly bound,
A symphony of silence, no tears to sound.

Through toil and strife, his days unfold,
Yet within, a tempest, untold,
His shoulders bear the weight of the world,
But his soul, in solitude, is swirled.

In the realm of work, he dons a mask,
A smile adorned, a daunting task,
To shield the pains that lie within,
For vulnerability, he fears, is a sin.

Family ties, a tapestry weaved,
In love and duty, he's perceived,
Yet his struggles buried in the core,
A secret garden, locked, and sore.

Financial storms may rage and roar,
But he stands tall on distant shores,
His battles fought, his wounds concealed,
As stoic walls protect, unyield.

From tender age, they taught him well,
To lock away emotions, quell,
That boys don't cry, nor show despair,
A rigid mold, society's snare.

Yet strength's not found in stoic stance,
Nor in suppressing life's cruel dance,
True bravery blooms when tears can flow,
And vulnerability begins to grow.

Let him unchain his heart and soul,
Find solace in being truly whole,
For in the openness of pain released,
A man finds strength and inner peace.

Let us unshackle the binds of old,
Embrace the truth that's often untold,
For in compassion and empathy,
Lies the essence of masculinity.

So let the tears break free, unbound,
Within the depths, new strength is found,
And let him learn to heal and mend,
A man embracing feelings, a soul to tend.

© Imaginoid