

Magical moments

Magical moments are real, Like the moments where you feel like everything neatly fits itself together, For example: Try to close your eyes the moment before dawn, And just, feel... feel your lungs with the air God provides,listen to the sounds of life all around you.Smell the spring flowers bloomed.Feel the nice cool breeze on your face just cool enuff to bring goosebumps to your arms.Listen to the birds as they start there day.The porch swing sways your body back and forth.The nice hot coffee warms your hands as peace surrounds you!The first thought of love fills your heart and emotions ready for the blessings of the day to continue.Excited for the future! Prepared for prosperity! Preplanned goals in play allowing only God's way.Appriciative to be in the light of day !Time to pray God only you can bring magical moments my way!

© Melissa fortuno