

If I get out of bed now I have exactly a whole day to create somthing beautiful

The best avocado on toast with a lil salt and citrus
Maybe the smoothest cup o' coffee ever brewed, rise and shine !

Maybe I should just do a painting of a hand holding a rose
Or sketch a leaf and every single vein. Thats cool

Man I have time to create
How fortunate

I mean have time to discover the slightest difference between my cats purrs and which ones are telling me he Loves me and maybe even time to clean out his poop box
I laugh and taunt him "you know Max cleanliness is next to godliness"

What a day

I have time to make a pie and master pastry. To eat that pie and watch a show about a girl, who did the thing, and got the guy.
Good one

Oh man I have so much time

Enough time to meditate
Enough time to breath into space and to feel it around me , to feel space and to Realize actually theres no time
theres not even space

No-thingness is great

Deep breath in , deep breath out

Maybe just time to humour
that theres no time , but rather just a Willingness to take the the time
to be timless, infinite and happily
Nothing and evetrything at the same time ....

And I still got the whole day ...

#spiritualquotes #poetry #simplcity #creative #art #buttonpoetry #story #philosophy