

I loved you first: Be that as it may, Subsequently Your Affection
I adored you first: yet, subsequently your affection
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier tune
As suffocated the well disposed cooings of my bird.
Which owes the other most? My love lasted a long time, while yours seemed to get stronger at one point;
I cherished and speculated about you, you understood me
Furthermore, cherished me for what may or probably won't be -
Nay, loads and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not 'mine' or 'thine;'
With discrete 'I' and 'thou' free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in adoration:
Rich love knows nothing of 'thine that isn't mine;'
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
The two of us, of the affection which makes us one.
© #kukku2024