

silence gave me the power
Silence gave me power of deep think
Try hard untill end & never feel ship was sink
silence is the key whenever I'm in dark
It gives me answers , it's the burning spark
It has taught me the reality of person
I have explored myself & never trust anyone
I been through difficulty and each dark scar
Silence taught me to walk & opening door is never far
I still think the past life as a big fight
Sometimes I'm sad but in loneliness thoughts walking deep insight
How much may be pain but still act as calm
life taught me to be real & give love as the blanket is warm
I had fears now it changed & changing each days
I fought & I'm fighting , never stop which inner voice says
Many conversations can be told
But each secret and scars are safe in hearts fold's
Each day I wake up with a hope to run
nights moon became love now didn't like the sun
Each tears dried and pages were burn
Lost everything but waiting what comes in another turn
Most of them ask why are you so serious guy
I said nothing just gave an smile as a reply
Being serious & known the value of happiness
I learned to live fullest , take each moment as god has bless..

thank you for reading
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